humanbody structure

Friday, March 15, 2019

5 Nutrients For Better Brain Functioning

5 Nutrients For Better Brain Functioning

  • Although food is always considered as a means to provide energy to the body, helping in the overall growth and protecting us against various types of diseases, a new study has revealed that food also has an impact on our mental functioning.
  • Our brain is a big deal, from controlling the whole body to making the organs work properly.
  • Apart from playing brain games and meditation, you can also make your diet boost your brain.
  • Although I'm gonna listed 5 nutrients for better brain functioning.
  • Read on to find them out!


  • Approximately 60% of our brain consists of fats, and half of those fats are omega-3 kinds.
  • Our brain uses omega-3 fatty acids to build brain cells an improve memory and learning power.
  • They may also help in reducing chances of age-related mental declines.
  • So, include fatty fishes in your diet and get the required amount of omega-3 fatty acids.


  • It's help in promoting a healthy mood along with increasing the cognitive and cardiovascular functions.
  • This also helps in improving immune response, bone health  and overall vitality.
  • So, spend more time under the sunlight or eat more cheese, egg yolks, fatty fishes, cod liver oil as well as supplements to provide your body with enough to this nutrient.


  • Antioxidants help in reducing the oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which can contribute to brain ageing and diseases.
  • They are not just beneficial for the brain but, they also have positive impacts on the overall system.
  • So, eat more berries, grapes, pumpkins, mangoes, spinach and sea food to keep your brain healthy.


  • Foods that are high in vitamin E can help in protecting the cell membranes from free radical damage, which in turn, slows down the process of mental decline.
  • So, eat more nuts to boost your brain functions and stay healthier.


  • Folate is a very important nutrient in maintaining the overall brain health.
  • It helps in developing the brain, improving the memory and slowing down the brain ageing.
  • Many studies have also suggested that folate intake may cure depression.
  • So, eat more legumes, brocolli, leafy vegetables, citrus fruit and eggs to make your brain function better.

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