humanbody structure

Saturday, April 6, 2019

7 Foods to Eat if you have Irregular Periods

7 Foods to Eat if you have Irregular Periods

  • Periods, also known as menstruation, is a natural process in a female body in which blood and tissues come out of the uterus through the vagina.
  • The time gap from one period to the next is called the period to the next is called the period cycle.
  • On an average, the cycle is of 28 days but, it can be anywhere around 26-32 days.
  • However, if your period cycles are often delayed by more than a week after your due date then, you could be a patient of oligomenorrhea, in simple words irregular periods.
  • The reason behind this condition can be many, it can be stress, consumption of alcohol, travel as well as sex.

How to know Irregular Periods:

  • A period cycle is counted from the first day of your period to the first day of your next period.
  • Generally, it is around 26-32 days but, it can vary from woman to woman and month to month.
  • Sometimes, your periods are still considered regular if they come within 35 days.

Foods for irregular Periods:

  • Your diet can be helpful in dealing with various types of health conditions, including periods.
  • There are some foods which can help you regulate your periods without putting in many efforts or going under pills.


  • Ginger is very beneficial for your health.
  • From treating cold to improving digestion, ginger does it all!
  • The Vitamin C and Magnesium content of ginger can help your uterus to contract, which in turn, starts your periods.


  • You can regulate your periods by adding unripe papaya to your diet.
  • Papaya helps in contracting the muscles in the uterus, which helps in releasing the blood and tissues from the vagina.


  • Apart from enhancing the taste of your dishes.
  • Cinnamon can also be used for making your cycles regular.
  • It warms up the body from within, which increases the blood flow.


  • Aloe vera helps in controlling and managing your hormones, which in turn, regulates your periods.
  • For best results, mix one teaspoon of honey with fresh aloe vera gel and have it every day before your breakfast.

  • Turmeric has many medicinal properties and it can be consumed to treat irregular periods.
  • Take it with warm milk and honey before bed.
  • It can also be beneficial in curing period cramps.


  • Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain.
  • It helps in shedding the lining of the uterus, which starts your periods.
  • This fruit also increases the production of rd and white blood cells, which helps in blood flow.


  • Parsley is generally used as a garnish for many dishes but it can be an effective remedy for irregular periods.
  • It increases the blood flow inside the body that helps in regulating your period cycles.
  • You can eat boiled parsley or have parsley tea every day for best result.

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