humanbody structure

Showing posts with label common nasal condition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label common nasal condition. Show all posts

Friday, November 23, 2018



  • An organ above the mouth of a human or animal, used for smelling and breathing.
  • A nose is a protruberance in vertebrates that houses the nostrils, or nares, which receive and expel air for respiration alongside the mouth.
  • Behind the nose are the olfactory mucosa and the sinuses.
  • The nose processes the air humans breathe.
  • hairs and mucus filter the air, while receptors in the olfactory epithelium send messages about smell to the brain via the olfactory bulb and nerve.
  • Air comes into the body through the nose. As it passes over the specialized cells of the olfactory system, the brain recognizes and identifies smells.
  • Hairs in the nose clean the air of foreign particles. As air moves through the nasal passages, it is warmed and humidified before it goes into the lungs.

  • Several bones and nasal cartilage make up the bony cartilaginous framework of the nose and internal structure.
  • The nose is also made up of some types of soft tissues, such as skin, epithelia, mucosa membrane, muscles, nerve and blood. And in the skin there are sebaceous glands.

  • The shape of nose varies widely due to differences in the nasal bones, shapes and formation of the bridge of the nose.
  • Some nose shapes were classified for surgeries by Eden Warwick in nasology 1848.

  • The most common medical condition related to the nose is nasal congestion.
  • This can be caused by colds or flu, allergies, or environmental factors, resulting in inflammation of the nasal passage.
  • The body's response to congestion is to convulsively expel air through the nose by a sneeze.
  • Nosebleed, known medically as Epistaxis, are a second common medical issue of the nose. As many as 60% of people report nosebleed experiences, with the highest rates found in children under 10 and adults over 50.
  • And because of nose's prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures,Bacterial nasal infection, nosebleed, objects inserted in the nose, and polyps also can affect the nose.
  • The mucous membrane of the nose may become inflamed(rhinitis). This inflammation may spread to lining of the sinuses (rhino-sinusitis).


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