humanbody structure

Friday, January 11, 2019



  • Bullying is the abuse of power by an individual on another through repeated aggressive acts.
  • It most often occurs in children and in high school or college environments but can also occur in the workplace or other environments.
  • The bully feels power from sources such as physical strength, maturity, a higher status within a peer group, from knowing the victim's weakness, or from support of others.
  • Bullying can occur in the form of physical harm, relational aggression, isolation and exclusion, and verbal harm such as slander, rumors, or threats; it is both intentionally cruel and unprovoked.
  • Cyber bullying is also a form of bullying and occurs in the form of internet messages on social media networks, text messages, e-mails, photos being posted, and rumors.
  • The bullied person is repeatedly experiencing negative actions from bully.
  • These bully acts can lead to depression, low self-esteem, humiliation, isolation, and social withdrawal in the victim; it could result in suicidal and murder.
  • If we suspect anything like that, or any signs of bullying, we have to educate teachers, school administrators, and parents about bullying behaviors and signs that it may be occurring.

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